RGVs Thriller (2020) Movie Leak In Movie Rulz Movie Information : Nabarangpur: Ram Gopal Varma’s ‘Thriller’ has landed in trouble on the day of its release. According to sources, Hindu Ekta Bahini convener Gourishankar Sahu along with the other members has lodged a complaint with the Nabarangpur Police, alleging that the trailer of RGV‘s ‘Thriller’ has hurt religious sentiments, Talking about the 2.36-minute trailer, released on July 30, Sahu said, “The trailer not only promotes nudity and vulgarity, but the background music recites names of our Hindu Gods. Protesting against such malicious act, we have filed a police complaint.” “This trailer singles out religious sentiments. Whoever watches this video will get disturbed as it intentionally outrages religious belief. We are deeply hurt which is why we have lodged an FIR at Nabarangpur police station,” said Rashmikanta Nayak, another member of the organisation.